
Class12 Education


Do you agree with the writer Minae Misumura(”the Fall of Japanese in the Age of English") When she says that, "the dominance of English, especially with the advent of the Internet, threatens to reduce all other national languages to more "local" languages that are not taken seriously by scholars. The education system, she argues, doesn't spend enough time teaching Japanese."

Why? Give at 3 reasons to support your answer.

I agree with witer Minae Mizumura.
I'd like to tell 3 reasons.

The first, Internet is used by people from all over the world.
And English is common language of world. So English is often used on the Internet.

The secound, local language is only understand by local people.
So English is useful language as communicate with another counries people.

The third, I feel English calss is much than Japanese class, when I was junior high school student.
Class 11 Men and Women


Do you agree or disagree with the auther(who is Japanese).
please explain why in your blog.

I don't agree with the auther. There are so many man in Japan.
Some Japanese man may become "Renain ken-o Sho". But It's a part of many Japanese man. I think there are many Japanese man who kind to woman.
Class 10 Table Manners

1.Have you ever eaten restaurant in a foreign country?
what did you eat? Did you make any mistakes? Please
explain your experience

Yes, I have. I ate many kind of food at buffet restaurant in America.
I didn't any mistakes.
The buffet restaurant in America is different with Japan. I paid the bills before I ate.

2.Did you learn anything?

Yes, I did. I think table manner is almost common between America and Japan.